Which one or more of the following CPU scheduling algorithms can potentially cause starvation?


First-in First-Out


Round Robin


Priority Scheduling


Shortest Job First


Starvation is a situation where high-priority tasks keep running, and low-priority ones remain stuck or delayed for a long time. It's like when the important tasks hog all the attention, and the less important ones have to wait for a really long time.

  • First-In-First-Out: In this scheduling, Every process will get a chance based on arrival. So, this scheduling doesn’t suffer from starvation.
  • Round Robin: Round Robin will give equal opportunity for each process. So, the process will never face the problem of starvation.
  • Shortest Job First: In this scheduling algorithm if small tasks keep arriving, then larger processes have to wait for an indefinite time and suffer from sarvations.
  • Priority Scheduling: In this scheduling algorithm if high-priority tasks keep arriving, then low-priority processes have to wait for an indefinite time and suffer from sarvations.

So, C and D are the correct options.